To use these functions you must add DPIncludes.dba to your project.


BitMap_To_Printer(BitMapNo As Integer,x As integer,y as integer, width as integer, height as integer)


Image_To_Printer(ImageNo As Integer,x As integer,y as integer, width as integer, height as integer)



These two helper function send bitmaps and images to the printer. The BitmapNo and ImageNo correspond to loaded dark basic bitmaps and images. The picture places the image on the device at co-ordinates x,y with width and height in pixels. Bitmaps and images are stretched to fit the output box on the selected device. Note not all device support raster operations. These functions don’t check if you have passed a valid bitmap or image number to them. These functions provide a safer way of calling

PLOT BITMAP IN MEMBLOCK  which has the potential to crash your computer if used incorrectly.